See below for a list of my talks and speaking engagements over the years. This is not a complete list. I enjoy engaging with an audience or just having a discussion.

I have also done many institutional presentations at Umeå University and elsewhere. During my tenure at HUMlab I presented the institution, digital humanities and related matters hundreds of times. I take genuine delight in talking about the institution I represent and about the work carried our by colleagues and collaborators. Visiting delegations at HUMlab included international delegations from all over the world, the Board of the Wallenberg Foundation, several government ministers, the county governor, the Swedish Research Council (including the chair), Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (a major humanities-social sciences funding agency), the Swedish King and Queen, regional boards, CEOs of large companies, groups from Parliament and EU delegations. Such presentations are not included in the list below.


Changing Infrastructures, Changing Worlds: The Academy as a Case Study
Swedish Collegium for Advanced Studies
March 31, 2022


Shifting Frames: Towards Humane Infrastructures

Knowledge Infrastructures and Digital Governance. History, challenges, practices
OPERAS, University of Luxembourg
September 7-8, 2020


Invited concluding session – reflections and extended conversation

From Text to Data – New Ways of Reading
[Video] [Program]
International conference
The National Library of Sweden
February 7-8, 2019

Unframing Infrastructure: The Story of Research Infrastructure in and through the Humanities
Invited lecture
New Horizons: Confronting the Digital Turn in the Humanities
The Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH)
University of Luxembourg
March 6, 2019


The Value of Arts and Humanities Research Institutes to Universities

Invited panel discussion
Trinity College Dublin
April 10, 2018

Radikala humanistiska infrastrukturer [Radical humanistic infrastructures]

Workshop on data driven research/library labs
National Library of Sweden
April 12, 2018

Om digitaliseringen av högskolan [On the digitization of higher education]

Seminar in the Swedish Parliament (Riksdagen). Participants included the Minister of Education and Research
May 2, 2018

Radicalized Infrastructures
Invited presentation and keynote round table participation
“Searching Questions”, Cambridge Digital Humanities Symposium
University of Cambridge
July 11, 2018

Human/istic Infrastructures
The Information Studies Colloquium
UC Los Angeles
Nov 15, 2018


Infrastructures for a Reimagined Humanities

Digital Culture Speaker Series [web page]
Arizona State University
February 2, 2017

Humanistic Infrastructure

UCLA DH Infrastructure Symposium [program and abstract]
Keynote [refs]
UC Los Angeles
February 23, 2017

Humanistic Infrastructure: Models and Futures

Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
April 6, 2017

UCHRI Digital Platform

Organized by the UC Humanities Research Institute
Invited participant and design&interface session lead
UC Irvine
April 21, 2017

Critical Digital Humanities

Invited roundtable participant
Critical Digital Humanities Conference
University of Westminster, London
May 22, 2017

Humanistic Infrastructure

Conference presentation
Critical Digital Humanities
University of Westminster, London
May 23, 2017

Critiquing, Imagining and Making Academic Infrastructure

Panel Presentation (Panel: Re-Configured Knowledge Institutions)
New Infrastructures of Knowledge
The Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities
June 19, 2017

Critiquing, Imagining and Designing Infrastructure in and through the Humanities

UC Irvine Informatics Department Seminars [pdf] [stream]
UC Irvine
October 20, 2017

Roundtable discussion on infrastructure
Invited speaker/participation with Shannon Mattern
Part of a network meeting for a group of graduate students as part of a UCHRI initiative across the UC universities
November 3, 2017

Why should the Humanities Care about Infrastructure

Inaugural lecture in the new Digital Humanities Center
San Diego State University
November 9, 2017

Challenging Infrastructural Regimes/Framing Humanistic Infrastructure
Chapman University
San Diego State University
November 30, 2017

Exploring the Active and Interventionist Humanities

Medea Lecture, K3
Malmö University
December 7, 2017

Humanities Labs

Örebro University
December 11, 2017


Can there be a Nordic Digital Humanities?

First Conference for the Nordic Digital Humanities  [program]
Keynote lecture [refs] [stream]
Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries
University of Oslo
March 16, 2016

Centers of Excellence in the Integrative Humanities
Workshop on integrative environments
Invited panel presentation
Supported by the Swedish Research Council
Royal Institute of Technology
March 17, 2016

Intellectual Middleware
Opening seminar for the Digital Humanities Academy Programme [program]
Keynote lecture [refs]
Academy of Finland
March 22, 2016

Architecture, Collaboration and Knowledge Production

“The Humanities Laboratory: Discussions of New Campus Models”
Invited talk [abstract]
National Endowment for Humanities, Washington DC
July 11, 2016

Digital Humanities as Curated and Collaborative Place: Ideas, Infrastructures and Intersections

Heldig kick-off symposium
Invited main talk
University of Helsinki
October 5, 2016

Digital Humanities as Humanistic Infrastructure

Humanities Lecture Series/HATII Research Seminars
University of Glasgow
October 26, 2016

Digital Humanities as Intellectual and Intersectional Infrastructure

Keynote lecture
Digital Humanities Day 2016 [program]
University of Groningen
October 28, 2016


Who Disrupts Whom? The Digital Humanities as a Contact Zone

University of California at Irvine
UCI Humanities Commons [abstract]
February 23, 2015

Roundtable: Genres of Scholarly Knowledge and Production
Beyond the Digital Humanities: FInal Network Event [program]
Digital Methods in the Arts and Humanities (NeDiMAH)
University of London
May 5, 2015

Inside-Outside-In Between

Professional Training in the Arts and Humanities Course
Ph.D. student program
Uppsala University
May 8, 2015

Visualizing Big Data: Inside and Outside the Single Screen
Reconsidering Humanity: Big Data, the Scientific Method, and the Images of Humans [program]
University of Gothenburg
Keynote presentation
June 26, 2015

From Lab to Lounge: Liminal Spaces for Learning

The Graduate Center, City University New York [web]
October 29, 2015

Presentation Culture and Infrastructure

University of London, School of Advanced Studies
“Being (digital) humans”
Being Human Festival
November 17, 2015

Space, Knowledge Production and the Digital Humanities

The Humanities Lab
University of Sussex
November 19, 2015


Digital Experiments
Inauguration of Umeå as the Cultural Capital of Europe
January 31, 2014

From Libraries to Labs: Spaces of Media Access, Making, and Learning

Society for Cinema and Media Studies Conference 2014, Seattle
Workshop participant (workshop leader: Shannon Mattern) [description]
March 23, 2014

Plats, kunskap och (digital) infrastruktur (Place, knowledge and (digital) infrastructure)
The Nobel Museum/Foundation, Stockholm
Invited talk
April 3, 2014

The Story of a Humanities Lab: Connecting Ideas, People and Infrastructure

Linköping University, Visualization Center C [abstract]
May 5, 2014

[Boundary Objects]
Seminar in the Umeå University seminar series on interactive environments
Umeå University
October 2, 2014

Om etableringen av digital humaniora som område: Det eviga sökandet efter en plats?

[About the Establishment of Digital Humanities as a Field: The never-ending search for a place?]
Forskningens dynamik, symposium organized by the Young Academy of Sweden
Invited talk and panel participant [program]
At the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
October 15, 2014

The Emerging Humanities

Culture, Brain, Learning
Conference presentation
Wallenberg Network Initiative
Lund University
November 20, 2014

Presentation Software as Occasions for Speech

With Erica Robles-Anderson
Conference: Genres of Scholarly Knowledge Production
Umeå University
December 11, 2014


Digital Humanities through HUMlab

Presentation of HUMlab
British Library
March 11, 2013

The Humanistiscope:  Exploring the  Situatedness of  Humanities Cyberinfrastructure

Exploring Humanities Cyberinfrastructure Symposium April 30-May 1 [program]
Invited guest speaker (and panel participant)
University of Madison at Madison
May 1, 2013

Big Digital Humanities

Transcriptions talk [web]
University of California at Santa Barbara
November 26, 2013

Text och interaktiva miljöer:  Universitetet som uttryck

[Text and interactive environments: The University as Expression]
Professorial talk
The Annual University Festivities
Umeå Universities
October 19, 2013


The Digital Humanities – a Game Changer
? [stream]
DIGHUMLAB Launch [program]
Aarhus University, Denmark
With participation by Danish minister for Science, Innovation and Higher Education among others
September 10, 2012

The Situatedness of (Humanities) Infrastructure

Keynote presentation
Media Places Symposium, Umeå University
December 6, 2012


Creative Industries Clusters 

Presentation with Roger Stighäll, North Kingdom (and panel participation)
Grand Days [invitation]
Grand Hotel, Stockholm
January 25, 2011

Designing the Digital Humanities

City University New York
Feb 23, 2011

From Optical Fiber to Conceptual Cyberinfrastructure

University of California Santa Barbara
March 9, 2011

The Digital Humanities as a Trading Zone

Lecture by invitation
Australian Academy of The Humanities and Australian National University, Canberra
March 22, 2011

The Evolution of Digital Humanities as a Field

CRASSH, University of Cambridge [abstract]
October 12, 2011


HUMlab: Meeting Place as Conceptual Cyberinfrastructure

King’s College London
April 3, 2009

From Optical Fibre to Conceptual Cyberinfrastructure

Conference Rum för lärande, Umeå University
June 11, 2009

From Optical Fibre to Conceptual Cyberinfrastructure: A Vision for the Digital Humanities

University of California Los Angeles
Nov 10, 2009

The Landscape of Digital Humanities

University of California Santa Barbara
Nov 12, 2009


Implementing the Digital Humanities

University of Southern California
March 21, 2008

HUMlab som idé
Lund University
May 14, 2008

Language Learning in a Digital World: From Language Laboratory to Parkour Performance

Plenary lecture, EUROCALL 2008 Conference, Székesfehérvár, Hungary
September 6, 2008

From Humanities Computing to Digital Humanities

I-School, University of Toronto
November 4, 2008

The Landscape of Digital Humanities

University of Alberta, Edmonton
November 6, 2008


Umeå – ett internationellt centrum för digital kultur

(Umeå – an international center for digital culture)
At “Kultur, upplevelser och IT”, Grand Hotel, Stockholm
January 30, 2007

Högskolan 2.0 – perspektiv på webb 2.0 och digital deltagarkultur

National Science Foundation/ Conference on university dissemination, Stockholm
March 13, 2007

Digitala kulturer – från snack till bloggopera

(Digital cultures – from talk to blog operas)
Kulturnatta: HIT! – Humaniora & IT, Umeå stadsbibliotek
May 18, 2007

Co-creating Content: Participatory Culture, Web 2.0 and Digital Mashups

NordI&D. The 13th Nordic Conference on Information and Documentation, Stockholm University
June 19, 2007

Virtuella världar från hype till högskola

NUAS Informatörskonferens: Identitet, kultur och relationer. Stockholm
September 11, 2007

From floor tiles to blog opera. Days of the Media Labs

PICNIC and MediaGuild. Amsterdam
September 26, 2007

Innovation and order to the table: HUMlab, QVIZ and a Virtual Worlds Timeline

Keynote. Intelligent Access to Digital Heritage. Organized by Ministry of Culture, Estonia
October 18, 2007

Från humaniora till informationsteknik: studiomiljöer, nya ämnen och

National professional development day for university librarians in the humanities, [From the humanities to information technology: studio environments, new disciplines and].
October 26, 2007

Stepping up and back: Cyberinfrastructure for the Humanities

RMIT, Melbourne. Sponsored by The Design Institute, the MCD Studio and the School of Applied Communication
November 22, 2007


Att vidga textbegreppet

BOF-dagen. Umeå folkets hus. MediaCenter i Västerbottens Län [expanding our notion of text]
January 18, 2006


Invited panel presentation: Worldwide Cyber-Human Sciences at NSF sponsored Expanding Cyber-Communities Workshop at the University of California Humanities Research Institute (UCHRI), University of California at Irvine
April 21, 2006 

Ihopkopplade kanaler: kommunikativa mönster på den nya webben (2.0)

FUMS conference on an expanded notion of text. Uppsala University. [Intertwined channels: communicative practices on Web 2.0]
May 9, 2006

Bringing cyberinfrastructures together: Studio spaces, multiplex visualization and creative interaction

Cyberinfrastructure for Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences: A Summer Institute. University of California at San Diego
July 27, 2006

Stepping Up: Cyberinfrastructure for the Humanities and Social Sciences

Interaction in Digital Environments Workshop, Umeå University
August 21, 2006

Är e-post redan på väg ut?

KLIV, Klarspråk i Västernorrland, Härnösand
September 26, 2006

Panel discussion: The Methodology of Innovation

Innovation Day at the Media Guild, Amsterdam
September 27, 2006 

42 sekunder, 4 megapixlar och -31 grader: mellan humaniora och informationsteknik

Södertörns högskola
October 4, 2006 

IT – utmaning och möjlighet för humaniora

Uppsala Learning Lab, Uppsala University. [IT – challenges and possibilities for the Humanities)]
October 18, 2006

Bortom penna och papper: Opto, grid och displayteknik för humaniora

SUNET Trefpunkt 15. Umeå University. [Beyond pen and paper: Opto, grid and display technology for the Humanities]
October 19, 2006

Borderlands: Ideas, Infrastructures and Implementations in Digital Humanities

Brown University
November 29, 2006 

Visualizing the (Digital) Humanities

McMaster University
December 1, 2006


The Humanities and information technology

Technological Texture Conference, Umeå University
January 17, 2005

From text to first person shooters: Iconic and symbolic representation in virtual environments

Cornell University
February 28, 2005

Intertwined Spaces: student empowerment in virtual worlds

The Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities, University of Virginia
March 3, 2005

Att studera digital kultur

[Studying digital culture] Lärare på vetenskaplig grund – kvalificerad kompetensutveckling för gymnasielärare. Östra gymnasiet, Umeå
October 31, 2005

Transposing the Humanities, Information Technology and Ourselves: Mapping Contemporary Modalities

University of California Humanities Research Insitute, University of California Irvine
November 3, 2005


Inte bara platt text! Om virtuella världar, streamad media, cybertexter och bloggar i språkutbildningen

Seminar at Lund University
May 7, 2004

Humaniora och informationsteknik: från saccosäckar till virtuella världar

[The Humanities and information technology: From beanbags to virtual worlds]. Seminar at Center of User Oriented Design (CID) at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm
June 9, 2004

Kommunikation i virtuella världar

[Communication in virtual environments]. Seminar at the Centre for Speech Technology at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm
June 10, 2004

Iconic and symbolic representation in virtual worlds

Paper delivered at ALLC2004, Gothenburg
June 14, 2004

Talking back: Virtual worlds, corpora and blogs in language education

Berkeley Language Center, University of California Berkeley
October 5, 2004

Virtual Learning Spaces: beyond the shallow, real and disembodied

Presentation at The Stanford Center for Innovations in Learning (SCIL), Stanford University
October 6, 2004

Living at the intersection of the Humanities and Information Technology

HvA/Waag Society, Amsterdam
November 30, 2004

Dispelling the Myth of the Real in Educational Technology

TeleLearning Research Group, Open University
December 1, 2004

The Humanities and Information Technology: New disciplines or a new University?

Seminar at Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King’s College, London
December 2, 2004

Humaniora och informationsteknik

[The Humanities and Information Technology]. Seminar at the Department of Informatics, Umeå University
December 8, 2004

Möten och mobiltelefoner
[Meetings and Information Technology]
Lecture for all of the Umeå University administration (I was the “secret guest”)
December 23, 2004



The conceptual grounding of HUMlab and overview of the field
Digitala dimensioner conference
Uppsala University
January 15, 2003

Symbolic and Iconic Mapping in Virtual Environments

Paper at the international Dynamic Maps Workshop in HUMlab
September 17, 2003

Från penna till sms – teknik, kropp och språk

[From pens to text messages – technology, body and language]. Prize lecture, Kungliga Skytteanska Samfamfundets pris.
November 7, 2003

Interdisciplinary design work

Media Design program. Pasadena Art Center College of Design, USA
November 17, 2003

Interdisciplinary media design

Creative Industries. Queenland University of Technology, Australia
December 3, 2003 


Kulturlaboratoriet: att simulera, samarbeta och utforska

Seminar at CITU, Lund University. [The cultural laboratory: simulating, cooperating and exploring].
March 27, 2002

Presentation at Information Arts, San Francisco State University
April 2, 2002

Constructivist learning and interdisciplinarity in virtual environments
Seminar at Melbourne University, Australia
April 20, 2002

Virtual worlds as arenas for constructivist learning

Seminar at Monash University, Australia
April 21, 2002

Nya arenor för lärande: Virtuella monster, kollaborativt kunskapsbyggande och motiverande medier

Presentation at Umeå Forum 2002. [New arenas for learning: virtual monsters, collaborative knowledge building and motivating media].
June 17, 2002

Workshop on representation for Nordisk musikpedagogisk utbildning. Piteå.
October 3, 2002

Mötet mellan humaniora, kultur, konst och ny informationsteknik: HUMlab som idé och erfarenhet

Seminar at Department of humanistic informatics, University of Bergen
October 23, 2002

Student creativity in virtual space: building, experiencing and learning
Seminar at Oxford University, Learning Technology Group, England
November 25, 2002

Creating virtual arenas for language learning: shared graphical spaces, student creativity and co-evolution

Seminar at Open University, England
November 26, 2002


ICT applications in higher education – abandoning paper for virtual weddings

The IATEFL conference 2001. Brighton, England.
April 18, 2001

Det humanistiska perspektivet: cyborger, virtuella världar och datorspel

Umeå Forum 2001
April 25, 2001

Virtuella miljöer, underhållsteknologi och nya arenor för akademiskt arbete
Seminar at CITU, Lund University
May 9, 2001

Teknik i språkutbildningens tjänst: Interkulturella möten, simulering,
hypertextuppsatser, datorspel, virtuella världar, film på nätet, korpusar, onlineprov, datorstödd uttalsträningen och lite mer ändå

Språklärardagarna, Umeå University. Patrik Svensson and Pat Shrimpton.
October 31, 2001

Virtualisering av språk och digitalt berättande
[Virtualization of language and digital story telling]
Seminar at the Department of Culture and Media, Umeå University
November 19, 2001

Humanities and Information Technology

November 27, 2001

Humanities and Information Technology
Actlab, University of Texas at Austin
November 30, 2001

Var finns nyvärdena? En resa bland virtuella platser, visuellt kunskapsbyggande och datorstödda simuleringar
Lecture at the national symposium on information technology and language learning organized by HUMlab and Lärostudion at Stockholm University
December 7, 2001


Korpusar i språkundervisning

[Corpora in language teaching]. Umeå University. In-service training for school teachers.
February 7, 2000

Nya arenor för akademiskt arbete

[New arenas for academic work]. Umeå University, Dept. of Literature and Scandinavian languages.
February 11, 2000

Grammaticalization of partitive constructions
Seminar at Uppsala University, Dept. of English
March 2, 2000

Nya medier och möjligheter i akademisk språkundervisning; Vill vi vara virtuella?
[New media and possibilities in academic language teaching: Do we want to be virtual?]. Uppsala University
March 3, 2000

Reflektioner kring datorunderstödda presentationer
[On computer-enhanced presentations]. Presentation for Edit, Umeå University
March 7, 2000

Akademisk språkundervisning och IT: Vill vi vara virtuella?

[Academic language teaching: Do we want to be virtual?]. Seminar at Gothenburg University, Dept. of English.
March 28, 2000

Den webbunderstödda kursen – erfarenheter, koncept och funderingar [Web-enhanced courses – experiences, concepts and thoughts].
HUMlab/CUT seminar.
April 4, 2000


Från automat till arena: undervisning i virtuell
a miljöer
[From automat to arena: teaching in virtual environments]. Paper presented together with P-O Ågren at the University Pedagogics Conference, Umeå University
February 19, 1999

Crossing the threshold: erfarenheter från en språkinstitution

[Crossing the threshold: experiences from a language department]. Paper presented together with Pat Shrimpton at the University Pedagogics Conference, Umeå University
February 19, 1999

IT på en språkinstitution

[IT at a language department]. Seminar at Luleå University
March 10, 1999

IT i språkundervisningen
[IT in language teaching]. Paper presented at the national LMS conference (teachers of modern languages).
March 20, 1999

IT på en språkinstitution

[IT at a language department]. Seminar arranged by Centrum för utbildningsteknik.
April 20, 1999

Virtuella bröllop – undervisningsprojekt i engelska baserat på den interaktiva miljön Active Worlds
[Virtual weddings – an educational project for English studies based on the interactive environment Active Worlds]. Presentation at IT-forum in Skellefteå.
April 23, 1999

Panel debate organized by the Humanities faculty

A new generation in the Humanities. Umeå University
April 27, 1999

Crossing the threshold

Paper presented at the Ämneskonferens in Karlstad (national conference for university language teachers) together with Pat Shrimpton.
May 6, 1999

The place of corpus studies in cognitive linguistics

Departmental seminar. Umeå University
May 14, 1999

The place of corpus studies in cognitive linguistics

Paper presented at the ICAME conference, Freiburg, Germany
May 27, 1999

Information technology in the Humanities. 
At the Centrum för studier av IT ur ett humanvetenskapligt perspektiv, Borås.
June 3, 1999

IT i den akademiska språkundervisningen: Från drillövningar till virtuella miljöer

[IT in academic language teaching: From fill-in exercises to virtual environments]. Lund University
October 14, 1999

Corpus Methodology

Departmental seminar. Umeå University
October 21, 1999

Grammaticalization of Partitive Constructions

Seminar at Luleå University
October 27, 1999

Corpus Methodology

Paper presented at KORFU 1999 at Växjö University.
November 12, 1999

Breaking the barriers through virtual reality: applications of entertainment technology in the academic field of language learning

Together with Pat Shrimpton. Seminar arranged by CUT.
November 16, 1999

Using Desktop Virtual Reality as an extension of language studies at university level

Presentation at Hamilton College, New York
November 23, 1999

Virtual reality in language teaching

Presentation at Swarm Corp., Santa Fe
November 27, 2019

Virtual weddings: linguistics and literature

Presentation at Cartah, University of Washington, Seattle
December 8, 1999

Virtual Weddings
Presentation at University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada
December 9, 1999

Introducing IT at a language department

Presentation at University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada
December 10, 1999